Green borsch with ribs and toasts (croutons)
Green borsch in Odesa is as famous as the red one. I know families in which it is cooked at least once a week, even in winter. But, of course, better do it in spring and summer from fresh local greens. With the mandatory addition of domestic eggs with bright yolks and thick creamy sour cream. By the way, this borsch is as good on the first day after being cooked as on the second day.
For 4 servings:
1 kg of calf ribs;
3-4 potatoes of white and yellow varieties weighing approximately 300 g;
300 g of spinach;
150 g of sorrel;
2 medium onion bulbs;
1 garlic bulb;
200 ml of olive oil;
1 parsley root;
1 celery root;
100 g of green onion;
1.5 bunch of green parsley;
0,5 bunch of dill;
4 eggs;
200 g of homemade sour cream;
half of a lemon;
bay leaf, salt and pepper to taste.
- Calf ribs chopped in ribbons pour with cold water. When it boils, remove the foam and then cook without boiling for 1 hour.
- 15 minutes before the end of boiling, add a bay leaf, a bunch of greenery and rootlets, twisted up with a gastronomic thread.
- Wash spinach and sorrel and separate rough stems.
- Blanch them in boiling water for 10 seconds, adding of a spoonful of lemon juice.
- Slightly cool and cut not very finely.
- Cut onions half rings, cut garlic into slices. Panfry the onion in olive oil until it is done, but without changing the colour. Add garlic to the onion when panfrying.
- Large tubers of last year's potato of "Slavyanka" variety are peeled and cut into large cubes.
- Chop green onion finely.
- Extract roots and herbs from the broth. Immediately add potatoes to the broth and cook for another 25 minutes.
- Then at the same time, add a brown onion, white part of green onions and spinach with sorrel to the borsch. Bring to taste with salt.
- Leave it under the lid for 30 minutes.
- Cook hard-boiled eggs and, after cooling them a bit, clean and shred them into crumbs.
- Chop very finely the cleaned herbs of parsley and dill.
- Serve eggs, greens, feathers of green onions and ribs on the plates.
- Fill the plates with hot borsch. Offer sour cream separately.

this is interesting
It is essential to add an egg and sour cream to the plates. In addition to this borsch, you can serve toasts of Borodino bread with braised in olive oil spinach, garlic and grated farm cheese (brynza). The combination of spinach with cheese and garlic is typical for Italians, but instead of our farm cheese, they use fresh Ricotta.