Савва Лібкін:"Я народився, виріс і живу в Одесі. І не важливо, як далеко я йду, я завжди повертаюся саме сюди"

Friends about Savva

Mikhail Zhvanetsky

What a happiness that Odesa feeds itself. And Savva Libkin feeds Odesa citizens.  

Aram Mnatsakanov

I am glad that fate brought me to Savva. A perfectionist, romantic, aspiring in any matter to get to the main point. Always with a great sense of humour and self-irony. We all, the public, are happy to enjoy the results of the work of his wonderful team. We eat at his place and cook according to his recipes. Good luck in all your endeavours, sincerely yours, A.M.  

Vardeks Arzumanyan

I recall one conversation that I had with Savva several years ago: “You know,” said Savva, “I don’t know after which number of restaurants a restaurateur transforms into a businessman killing the first one in himself…” We had a long discussion on this topic and agreed that all this is individual, but believe me, I can confidently say that Savva will not cease to be a cook, restaurateur and manager, even if the number of his restaurants exceeds 300

Vladislav Burda

Savva appeared in the Association of Owners of Family Companies 3 years ago. During this time, Savva proved himself as an entrepreneur who created a business not so much for himself as for the community. And I would be happy if his family and children shared his passion and were able to pick up Savva’s lifelong business with time! I personally know Savva much longer, the last 20 years. And all this time, I visited his restaurants, the most popular in the city and very often met Savva welcoming guests. Savva is a very unusual, inquisitive, thinking interlocutor. And it is always a privilege for a guest to chat with such an owner!

Robert Guliev

Savely - is an ambidexter, a trendsetter, a visionary and a professional! Unlike many of his colleagues who came to the restaurant business after successful cadenzas in the prosecutor’s office and other power structures, Savely is a restaurateur with the appropriate education and mission.

Olga Kudinenko

At first, I fell in love with breakfasts at «Kompot» in Odesa - my every visit started with them. Then the «Kompot» chain became an active participant in the company «Day of Lemonade» and constantly helps children struggling with cancer. And this year, Savva and I were in the same group at the Aspen Institute, and he is a man of wonder and wisdom, of course. He has an excellent sense of humour and always find the right words of support, happy to share experience and knowledge. I'm delighted to make out acquaintance and have such a friend.

Rimma Sokol

He is a complex, multi-layered, controversial, in one word - Personality. I do not know anyone else for whom the work of a lifetime would be so closely connected with a position in life. What he does always causes response: admiration, irritation, worship, envy, but not indifference. I think this is from the  internal uncompromising honesty. He certainly defined the concept of Ukrainian restaurant culture and for many, he is a reference point in the profession. Undoubtedly, Odesa became a gastronomic capital due to Savva’s restaurants and books. Though he calls himself an artisan, for me it is not true :). A person with such taste and sense of style simply cannot be an artisan. What and how he does  is an art, even if you disassemble it into molecules, you will not repeat it. Next to him you can learn a lot if you have the abilities, character and your inner landmark, of course.


vegetable vegetable

I was born, grew up and live in Odesa. And no matter how far I go, I always come back. Because here is my home, my family and my friends. And also my restaurants.

Perhaps the definition "my restaurants" is not entirely accurate - it is more correct to say "our". After all, these places were built up and are being created by a large number of people. Architects and decorators, cooks and waiters, accountants and cashiers, as well as hundreds of other professionals - they are all my collaborators in the creation of restaurants. And of course, our guests who make our restaurants better by visiting every day and pointing the better direction to move on.

Odessa is rich in talents, and each of them glorifies their city as they can. One writes poems about Odesa, another - stories, the third one chants it in music, the fourth - in painting. I love and know how to cook - this is the path I chose to unveil my hometown to the world. Reviving and glorifying Odesa cuisine, creating restaurants that become city sights, I strive to ensure that the name "Odesa" evokes not only a dreamy smile but also awakens appetite.

I am lucky to live in a truly unique city - it has everything you need for happiness. The tender sun and the warm sea, green streets and majestic architecture, beautiful people and sincere communication, natural humour and a special life attitude. And yet - its own cuisine, which has absorbed the experience and temperament of different nations. Odesa is open for all. Come by car, by plane or even walk and try it!


1 rule

«The main thing for a perfectionist is to feel that thin line beyond which the desire to do better turns into a dangerous mania. Some things have to be perfect, while others have to stay good. God, give us enough intelligence to distinguish one from the other!»

2 rule

«Better than restaurants I make only daughters. They live in three countries - in Ukraine, in Austria and in Japan. So I can confidently call myself a citizen of the world.»

3 rule

«People who do not know me well consider me to be a rather specific person and therefore are afraid of me. People who know me much closer also consider me a specific person and love me for this. I am quite happy with this state of affairs.»

4 rule

«To cook well you will need the following: right ingredients, scrupulousness, delicacy and good taste (not just for food). Oh yeah, another culinary experience of past generations, embedded in your genes.»

5 rule

«I have been to many restaurants where people come for anything, but not for food. People go there to demonstrate new outfits, take the interior’s pictures and dishes’ design, smoke hookahs and assert their special status. If you open a restaurant with delicious food and the right mood, then you will be surprised at how few competitors you have in this area.»

Savva Libkin restaurants

Dacha `
Kompot (Admiralsky) `

Our blog

Odesa cusine

Stuffed fish
Stuffed fish
Zander and perch yushka with pies
Zander and perch yushka with pies
Dumplings with Cherry
Dumplings with Cherry
Pierogi with flatfish and parsley
Pierogi with flatfish and parsley
Tzimmes with chicken meatballs
Tzimmes with chicken meatballs
Potatoes with eggs. As father love
Potatoes with eggs. As father love
Chicken broth with matzoth dumplings
Chicken broth with matzoth dumplings
Early courgettes pancakes
Early courgettes pancakes
Adjika’s local variant
Adjika’s local variant
Green borsch with ribs and toasts (croutons)
Green borsch with ribs and toasts (croutons)
Red borsch with family nuances
Red borsch with family nuances
Сhicken neck
Сhicken neck
Pâté of chicken liver with a glass of cognac
Pâté of chicken liver with a glass of cognac
Pâté of duck liver (not foie gras)
Pâté of duck liver (not foie gras)
Lamb ribs with vegetables in the manner of Caucasian Ajapsandali
Lamb ribs with vegetables in the manner of Caucasian Ajapsandali
Forshmak from Odesa
Forshmak from Odesa
Stuffed bell pepper
Stuffed bell pepper
Pilaf with mussels
Pilaf with mussels
Danube herring with warm «Americanka» potatoes
Danube herring with warm «Americanka» potatoes
Boiled veal and boiled tongue with horseradish
Boiled veal and boiled tongue with horseradish
Courgette paste
Courgette paste
Odesa «Fountain» Cake
Odesa «Fountain» Cake
Eggplant rolls ("tongues")
Eggplant rolls ("tongues")
Miniature pancakes ("naleśniki", rolled up pancakes) with cottage cheese
Miniature pancakes ("naleśniki", rolled up pancakes) with cottage cheese
Broth cubes, or regular beef broth
Broth cubes, or regular beef broth