Original Italian restaurant
Carrying pasta in our arms since 2012
With Love To Our Guests and Pastas
Tavernetta is all about love.
The love to pasta, just like to the Italian cuisine and good people.
The place for free emotional expression.
Here it is customary to smile at strangers, praise the favorite dishes or display tears when it is time to leave…
This is not Odesa’s most expensive restaurant nor is it the most pompous one, either.
However, it is indeed the most favorite one for those who understand its value.
Tavernetta is the restaurant which emanates light-heartedness and good humor and it truly unites Odesa with Italy.
Even More Delicious Than in Italy
Here you will not find pizzas as we are fully dedicated to making Italian pastas. Since day 1 of our operation we have been making our pastas from semola, i.e. Italian coarse-ground flour produced from whole-grain wheat of hard sorts. We prefer to roll and shape our pastas directly inside the Guest area for everyone to see what our restaurant is all about.
The number of available seats throughout summer – 195.
The number of available seats during winter and/or cold months – 135.
Favorite dishes
Odesa cusine
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Savva Libkin restaurants